Oral Cancer Screenings
Oral Cancer Screenings
Oral cancer affects tens of thousands of Americans every year, and one case in four is fatal. As with most cancers, the key to beating the disease is catching it before it progresses to a later stage. With early detection from a routine oral cancer screening, there is a 90% success rate after diagnosis. Trusted dentists like Dr. Louscher and Dr. Brantner are truly your only line of defense against oral cancer. They and their team of dental professionals are the only ones to regularly evaluate your oral health and to notice any potential abnormalities. Gain the peace of mind that comes with a regular oral cancer screening from Dr. Louscher and Dr. Brantner. With the help of the latest dental technology, even a diagnosis of oral cancer can be successfully treated through early detection.
ALGONA (515) 295-2334
EMMETSBURG (712) 852-2054